Keeping contact form on your blog or website is the best method to make users to contact you. Without  giving your visitors, the Email address publicly, it is far better to have a contact form so that they can Email you using a contact form. I could see some of the blogs uses Voicemail contact form. When visitors speak up using the Voicemail widget, the voice will be recorded and sent to you. I found two best Voicemail Contact form plugins for your WordPress, Joomla, Tumblr, Blogger and other websites. The first one will support all these platforms. The second and third best Voicemail Contact form will support powered websites but a powerful one to go with.


The most used widget is the Speak Pipe. I recently saw this widget on a Audience Response System in Dubai website. When I click on Send Voicemail button which was floating on the left side of the site, it allowed me to use my microphone. It enabled me to send Voicemail to the site. Exited, I really want to share it with my readers. I learnt the way to insert such contact forms where, my visitors would be able to  contact me without touching their keyboard. We always know that a Voice call or Voice mail is much better than Texting because, Voicemail and Voice calls are the features which we use to share more thoughts easily in a shorter time.

SpeakPipe Voicemail Contact form

The SpeakPipe is available for WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla and other websites. You can insert your SpeakPipe on your site easily just by copying their code. They have provided tutorial for each and every web platform they support. Visit their site today to get a SpeakPipe Voicemail Contact form. You need to just Sign up and get the code from them to insert SpeakPipe on your blog. It's very simple. If you run a static website or web page, you may just sign up to their site, get the code and paste before the tag.

Neat Skype Status:

As the name is concerned, you may use a medium 'Skype' for interacting with your customers and visitors. Skype is the most used online free video calling messenger. The Neat Skype Status uses Skype and has two versions. The first version will keep a Skype icon on your site which tells about your Skype Online status on your site. The second version is a very useful one if your blog or site has team members. You may insert Skype icons which shows the online status of your team members on your blog. It will list all the team members' Skype accounts on the site if you provide their Skype screen name.

Neat Skype Status Voicemail Contact form

The neat AJAX functionality attracts the visitors when they call you on Skype. You may download this WordPress Plugins from here.

Contact Call Plugin:

The contact call plugin can be the best of all in one case because it allows the user to contact you in three forms. One is, y calling you from visitor's computer directly. Second method is, they can select a contact number of their country can can create a call to you. Third one is, by using Skype. So, a visitor will have three options to contact you. It comes as a Plugin for Wordpress. You may download and install to your blog from here.


If you can suggest some WordPress Plugins or any other widget that allow visitors to contact the web master or the admin, then you may do share with us in comments below.