Technology is growing day by day just to enhance human life. We always need a best and latest technology to make our life easy. We do love latest technology and gadgets. Let us have a small review what technology and gadget brought to people around the world. When a news goes trending on web, we are attracted to read them and even buy them more often. Some of the technologies and gadgets are yet to be scheduled for 2013. LCD screen on an eye contact lens to read text messages is a minute device which should have comprised with lot of works. Also, another awesome technology that is going to be hit in the upcoming year 2013 is, Bluetooth Stickers from Jon Mitts. This can be useful to find missing object at your home. Works of previous years must have given a way to invent new technology. Some of the gadgets and technology went trending in 2012. Let us have a small review on that.

Trending in 2012 technology

Samsung Galaxy S3

First and foremost technology that come up to our mind is always the recent news. There were great talks about Samsung Galaxy S3. Friends and colleagues on Social networking sites posted a lot about the new Samsung Galaxy S3. Most of them said that Samsung Galaxy S3 was great and more worth than an Apple product in terms of price. As it was running Android, most of the people liked the interface too. The features on Samsung Galaxy S3 rocked to the core. But, whenever a new technology comes, there comes negative reviews too. The Samsung Galaxy S3 was said to overheat. But, that was later confirmed to be as a rumor. We have also shared about the Samsung galaxy S3 overheat in a detailed manner. Check here.

Apple Day - September 12, 2012

An Apple a day keeps doctor away! A famous quote which went trending on web. But the meaning of the Apple did not point to a fruit. On Apple day, it pointed the notable Apple Inc. which released on most of their new Apple products to the people. New gadgets that were released by Apple are iPhone 5, iOS 6, iPad Mini, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, Retina technology on Macbook Pro and iPhone 5. Just have a look what happened on Apple Day.

Technology Feast from Microsoft

Microsoft provided a technology feast in 2012. The launch of Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface really gave additional features. Microsoft Surface had a good talk among people around the world as it was much portable. The main feast of Microsoft is the launch of Windows 8. The new metro style on Windows 8 has really attracted most of the people. Microsoft introduced Kinect for Windows which managed motion sensation on a Windows Operating System. Initially, it was trending on Xbox 360 but in 2012, Microsoft introduced Kinect for Windows so as to recognize voice, movements and gesture recognition. Microsoft lauched their SQL Server 2012 in the month of April. Microsoft also fixed some security issues.

Next, the most trending engine was made "new". Bing search became more competitive with Google. Now, Bing ranks second in search engines. People started to abbreviate BING as But It's Not Google. People themselves found that it was cool like Google. Bing ranks first in countries where Google is banned like China.

Changes inside Google

Google has brought a lot of changes to Google products. They update themselves everyday to serve people better. Even, in my latest post, I wrote about what Google does on New Year. Have you seen the older interface of Google? It contained a sidebar which provided you options to filter search. Now, it's been moved to the top. Though some people felt difficult after this change, after some days, they automatically felt easier after some practice. Google introduced Google Drive and provided 5 GB of free space to store files.

Another intelligent idea that Google introduced was, Google Glasses. It is expected to release in 2013.  The concept and use of the technology has been already revealed by Google.

Cloud Population

Cloud services has become popular in 2012. Though the cloud concepts existed earlier, the popularity of Cloud services has been increased. We, humans are forgetful in nature. At times, we forget our portable storage medium such as pen drives to be brought during a presentation times. At that time, Cloud Services like Google Drive, Dropbox and Microsoft SkyDrive will serve the needs. As files can be accessed from anywhere, there will be no need for remembering your pen drives or other USB portable devices.

Do you remember any other tech happenings that was to be unforgettable? Just, share your thoughts here. CryptLife wishes you a Tech Life.