Facebook does an update at least once in a week. I've been monitoring Facebook since I joined on it on 2009. Facebook brought many options on Facebook and also improved som of the features. The Timeline view of a profile gave a unique trademark for Facebook. No other social networking site brought such a change. We should really appreciate Mark Zuckerberg and his team for their creativity and services. The secret of the success of Facebook is their motto, confidence and their hard work. Their motto or tag line, "We are trying to make world a more open place and a connected one" has really got live. Most of the countries uses Facebook. Really, they must have powerful servers to process all their 600+ million users all around the world.

Friends on Facebook has become an important thing now. No Friends on a Facebook profile makes so lonely a person. Well, Social networking has made life more easier too. But I really say, Facebook has made things more easier than ever. The communication and business has got improved with Facebook. Wholeheartedly, I would thank Facebook and its Team.

Facebook has brought lot of changes from last year. The chat feature, timeline, commenting system, the status, questions, groups, pages and much more. Updating a site like this, I hope people won't get bored of using that particular social networking site. When they introduce a new feature, they just again become addicted to the site.

Facebook on Mobile has really got popular around the globe. After the smartphone users rise, Facebook has brought many changes to mobile version of Facebook. Finding friends on Facebook is more easier than ever now. Facebook has now launched the feature of finding your friends near by your place. The mobile website which automatically detects your location will just find friends whoever near you. You may easily add them to your friend list. The all you need is, you have to ask them to open fb.com/ffn page on their mobile so that Facebook will show you on your list to add.

Find Facebook Friends Nearby

This is just like establishing a Bluetooth connection. When your friend opens his device's Bluetooth connection, you can identify him if he is nearby. But Facebook feature to find friends nearby will not use any Bluetooth connection or Infrared rays. Just, it uses the normal data used to access Facebook website and other websites. The disadvantage in Bluetooth is, you can find nearby devices only if i is at certain distance say, 20 to 30 meters. But, as Facebook uses a data connection, it identifies your location using your IP address. It can find friends at next street too. Note that this feature is available and fully functioning only for iPhone.

You don't need to install the application from your App store but Facebook for iPhone provides you in their application. It is more easier and quick way to find friends using the application. This would be better if it introduces the same feature for Android mobiles because after Samsung users increased, people started using Android due to cheap and worthy. But if you use an Apple product, you won't get out of it and I am sure.

Let us wait and see this feature on other platform devices. But we have seen Facebook that it had bonded with Apple more strongly. Does it come out and support equally the other platforms like Android and Windows Phone too? Let's wait. Comment your thoughts here.