Facebook is much used in business and other developments. Business people find a way to sell best products depending upon the people's response on Facebook. Facebook is much populated. People find interesting when they find a funny post published by a Facebook Page owner. Facebook has become a tool to share lot of stuffs. From personal to professional, everywhere Facebook helps people to share stuffs. It had really brought the total concept of social networking. Recently, I just found an awesome Facebook application which allows you to convert Facebook page to Website.

Convert Facebook Page to Website

Here, you don't need to have a page with large number of likes but it is quite good when you have a Facebook page with lot of contents. While creating a website, you don't have to worry about the likes. The only thing is, content in your Facebook Page should be of high quality to show off your website to public.

Also see: Host a website at Dropbox

Application works in such a way that all your photos are arranged under a menu called "Albums" on the website. And, all the albums are listed as a sub menu. Clicking on the album, will display the photos that were uploaded on that album. Your page's About content will be transferred to the website's About content. The contact information will also be transferred to your website from your page.

The conversion is made free by the application but  you need to pay them for the domain and hosting. They have some attractive pricing plans with which you can upgrade your account to have your own domain. the hosting will be provided by them.

By upgrading, you can choose a lot more designs for your website. Also, you can choose a custom domain. If you do not upgrade, you need to stay on a domain which is encrypted. You cannot share your website with anyone with that.

The application's name is EXAI Website Creator. You can head to the below link to convert Facebook Page to Website. Start promoting your business or page with a website. Thereby, you can entertain or share stuffs with people who are not on Facebook too.


Note that the future posts will not be automatically posted on the new website. The current status of the Facebook Page will be transformed in to a website.

Problem during conversion?

I used the EXAI Website Creator. I was successful in authorizing the application and the app successfully retrieved all my pages. But still, it didn't show up the name of the page. The radio buttons were shown but the name was not visible. This can be fixed easily. This bug can be overcome by pressing Ctrl + A which selects the entire frame. Now, you can view the page's name. Make a click on the page name that you want to convert. The selection goes off but you can easily find the appropriate radio button for the page.

Will my Facebook Page gets deleted when I convert it to Website?

No. Your Facebook Page remains the same. The application will only extract the content from your page and creates a new website.

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