Windows is boring. We have used Windows to the fullest, and we do not want the same Start menu and File Explorer. The boring C:, D:, drives are still the same since we have used a computer for the first time. We need a change in how we interact with our computer. To add more power to PC, it is a better option to install Ubuntu or other Linux flavours. Once we install a Linux flavour on our PC, I bet you wouldn't like it unless you are a geek.

After installing Ubuntu or Linux Mint or any other Linux operating system, you might be like, "Oh what? I need to use a Terminal to make this happen?". Yes, it is bit annoying but with Ubuntu, or Linux, the possibilities that your computer can do is endless. There are a lot of customization options available for such open source operating systems.

Essential Tools to Install on Ubuntu or Linux

We have a list of tools to install on Ubuntu or Linux operating system as a newbie.

1. Wine

Wine lets you install Windows software and tools on Ubuntu. So forget about any compatibility issues that you think that you may face. Some Windows games will run on Wine for Ubuntu. If you are an early user of Linux or using after a long time, trust me, Wine has got improved in a drastic way.

2. Unity Tweak Tool

Unity Teak Tool for Ubuntu is an user-friendly software to customise your desktop in many ways. Do you want your Ubuntu to look like Mac? You can do with Unity Tweak Tool using right themes, icons and mouse pointers. Is your default animation of closing or opening windows on Ubuntu bores you? No problem! Ubuntu Tweak Tool has a plenty of options. One of them will have a Genie effect which looks exactly like a Mac when a window gets minimised. Crazy, right? You must try them soon.

3. WizNote

Unfortunately, the popular notes taking tool, Evernote is not available for Ubuntu, but you can fully make use of WizNote which works the same way of Evernote. WizNote is a Chinese company that provides you with a powerful and cloud-based note-taking tool. WizNote is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Also, available on Windows Phone Store, App Store and Play Store. So, you can access your notes on any device. Take a note on one device and read it somewhere on another device.

4. Gimp

Adobe is not going to provide Photoshop to Linux users. Maybe, it is possible in future, but not so close. Even if you are going to get Photoshop on Linux, Adobe is not going to provide their software for free. If you have chosen Linux, you are always lucky. Most of the software you use are open source and are available for free on the internet. Gimp is one such software that can do advanced photo editing just like Adobe Photoshop. Good news is, Gimp is free and you can download it from Ubuntu Software Center if you are on Ubuntu or other store of what your Linux provides. You cal also download Gimp from the official website

5. Thunderbird

An email client is one of the important thing which we use daily. Using an email client is advantageous. You always have your email copy local and open it at anytime even if you are at a place where you do not have a proper network connection. Mozilla's Thunderbird is one of the best tool that works great for you in syncing your latest emails regularly.

If you can suggest our readers a lot more software that make the operating system cool, you can always leave a comment below.