Owning a personal blog has its own benefits. If you are good at writing or not good at writing, write something. Even if you are bad at writing, writing again and again will improve and minimise the mistakes eventually. The only step you need to take is to 'sit and write.' Now a question that arises is, why I do need a personal blog while I can write on a paper or a diary?

Well, digitising your work always makes sense and is permanent. You do not need to worry about the loss of the written work. When you have written on web, it is always there.

own a personal blog

#1 Express

You sometimes want your personal things to be shared with someone. What if, you do not find anyone trustworthy at that time? Writing becomes the only way by which you can express your sorrows or happiness. When you write during such situation, you become more comfortable and your mind becomes burden-free.

#2 Memories

When you later look back on your personal blog, you exactly know how hard or good your old times were and you will feel better when your life has got much better after few years of life.

#3 Improve Writing Skills

Writing is more powerful as we already know that "Pen is mightier than sword." When you blog your own feelings and expressions on your bog, you improve your english drastically. Most of the popular bloggers today who earn thousands in dollars say that English was one of the hurdles that they crossed at starting point of their blogging life. Blogging commercially require a good english writing skills, but you can only improve when you write more. So, never give up when you feel bad in writing, just write more and you'll become an expert at it.

#4 Personal Branding

Having a personal blog helps you create a brand for yourselves and you project unique in the society. People who find you online may have similar thought of what you've said on your blog. Thereby, you will be getting more  number of followers who are like-minded.

#5 Flow of Thoughts & Ideas

Sometimes writing on your personal blog will make you find new ideas as you are pouring out of thoughts. When you are sad about some issue, and when you write about it, you suddenly catch a solution for the issue and work on it to get solved.

#6 Opportunities

When people who do business where writing involves an important factor, then you get an opportunity to fall on their eyes and you may get an opportunity to talk about the next level of what can you do.

Some of the personal blog platform that we might suggest are:

  1. WordPress.com
  2. Blogger.com
  3. LiveJournal.com (You can have private posts here, or make your posts visible only to friends or only you)
  4. Tumblr.com

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