I've been started to use Twitter more this year than Facebook. The reason behind this change is, the power of hashtags and the short tweets. I could find like-minded people on Twitter using hashtags than Facebook and hence I could market my blog posts to a higher level. One of the power that Twitter has is the limitation of tweet characters. Though it sometimes be irritating, often it would be catchy and reaches more people. Twitter has brought changes in 2015 regarding this length. Twitter in 2015.

Twitter in 2015

#1 Auto-play Videos

Auto-play videos have been a time killing thing for people who often scroll on Twitter. Auto-play videos work well on mobile devices than on desktop. No matter whether its annoying or not, Twitter always gave an option to control them. You can turn this feature off in Settings.

#2 Tweets while you were away

The most useful update from Twitter is, adding "While you were away..." because we do not miss tweets from people we follow. I don't have to scroll Twitter always for getting updates. I can carry on with my work and twitter will save tweets for me, later will show me when I log in back.

#3 Birth date on Twitter profile

It was surprising that Twitter never had a birth date option on Twitter profiles previously. This year, Twitter brought an update to add birth date to your Twitter profile. As always, you have control over it whether to show or hide on profile.

#4 Polls

Polls have been a great thing that a social media can have. I often would like to say my opinion not in words but just by choosing options. When you ask some question, people often prefer choosing an option than to fill in an answer. Twitter does not allow users to modify the answer. Though this seem to prevent modification of polls after some deadline, this can make people to annoy if they have voted a wrong option.

#5 Favorites becomes Likes

After the emergence of Facebook, the word "likes" have become trending on the social media. Twitter's "Favorites" didn't work that great and doesn't seem to be interesting. Thus Twitter changed from "Favorites" to "Likes". The shattering of particles when you "like" a tweet looks great in terms of user experience. The stars are now hearts!

#6 Removal of 140 character limitation

Yes. Twitter has removed 140 character limitation in direct messages. Tweets still do have 140 character limit. This update on direct messages have made ease in directly communicating with people.

Did I miss something? Please comment if I've missed something that Twitter updated this year. Follow us on Twitter @Crypt_Life