Blogging in a new atmosphere is entirely a different way of experience. Starting a blog, writing posts and maintaining it matters success of a blog. If you are starter of Blogging, then you must know few tips for choosing a perfect theme for your site. A site must be fully functioning and should be able to provide you an attractive and reasonable features.

Coming to a WordPress theme, a theme itself must contain sidebar widgets,  options for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Layout customization options, Styling options and also must allow stuffs to place it on appropriate places in the theme. It must also provide Footer widgets in a column wise manner.

While choosing a theme, it comes into your hands, whether you choose a paid one or a free one. A premium theme always provides better and more features than a free theme. But, still there are free themes which offers you features that makes your site to get better tune up by search engines.

A theme must be simple and handy to use. You must be able to understand each and every theme options available in it. A theme must mess up on any case of your editing. It may mess up in the case if you make change in theme files. Make sure that the theme files don't get affected when you are making changes on some other. Most of the themes will be stable if you download from a trusted and safe source. provides numerous free themes.

Please don't trust any of the theme you download from outsiders, that is from people who makes people believe that they provide a customized theme which give you better options. Don't trust in that way. Always buy or download themes from their official websites and use them for your blog. No one recommends to buy a premium stuff for free. If you use an illegal free version of a premium theme, official site may track your blog to get it blocked or it may end up in breaking of cyber law.

Appearance is the most important part to be focused while selecting a theme for  your WordPress blog. Select a theme in which text is more visible to readers. A dark text on a light background or a light text on a dark background. This makes a visitor to stay on your blog or go back to their search or previous page. They might switch blog to blog for both information and how clear a text looks.

Animations in a theme might make your blog bit slower one. Your site load time depends on how simple your theme is. Google and other popular search engines also holds certain snippet for load speed while optimizing your page. More pictures on your page will also make your page to load slow.

Know whether your theme allows feature for monetizing your blog, that is to insert advertisements, banners and text links. Determine whether you can add author bio details to all of posts.

There will be a better situation if you are able to do all required stuffs without using a Plug in for your WordPress blog. If a theme does all stuffs, then we don't have worries about adding additional elements to your blog. But Plug ins are always required if your for a customized jobs. Changing codes might help you but a plug in might do a better job as it is developed by WordPress developers and experts.

Selection of a theme must be taken in care. The theme must be match your blog's subject. If you are going to start a blog about Medical and Health Care, then see that you select a theme which contains Electrocardiogram graph or tablets or doctors or stethoscope in it. You can choose anything related to it. That would do a better job while viewing your blog.

Server load is an important aspect in a theme. A greater or a complicated theme may put heavy load on your server whereas a light theme loads in the speed of light.

It is not compulsory to have all features in a theme but I am saying that it would be better, if you get such themes. Themes are available with all these feature contained in it but if you like a theme in which it doesn't have any of the mentioned features, then you may use a plug in for that feature alone.

Share you comments on selection of theme. You may also write in your comments if I have missed any points here.