Hike messenger is much better than WhatsApp. It has much added features than WhatsApp. Hike is an Indian product owned by son of Airtel's owner. Despite the usual purpose of messaging through data, Hike provides some added features such as free SMS and discount coupons for shopping. In addition to it, Hike has a built-in artificial intelligence assistant named as Natasha whom you can chat with. Hike is cool, however some of the things that irritate as a Hike user are many, one such is notifications. There is a way to stop notifications of status messages on hike without turning off entirely for Hike.
The reason why it is irritating is, as people receive notifications for status updates and frequent profile picture updates, they start to chat with their friends through status updates. Other users who are not involved are forced to dismiss such notifications often.
Hike has different ways to turn off notifications on different devices. Let me go starting from iOS.
How To Stop Notifications of Status Messages on Hike for iOS?
Hike does not provide any option to stop this notification in Settings and hence creates a confusion on user's mind.
To turn off notifications of status messages, follow the below steps:
- Open up Hike app
- Tap on Timeline icon
- Now tap on the three vertical dots
- Choose Mute on the drop down menu
- You are done!
How To Stop Notifications of Status Messages on Hike for Android?
Hike for Android is much better and not very confusing as on iOS. You can find the option to stop notifications of status messages in the settings page itself.
To turn off notifications of status messages on Hike for Android, follow this:
- Open Hike app
- Tap on three vertical dots icon
- Tap on Settings
- Now go to Notifications
- Uncheck on Status and Profile picture
- You are done!
How To Stop Notifications of Status Messages on Hike for Windows Phone?
Hike for Windows Phone has a similar way to turn off as we do on Android.
To stop status update notification on Hike for Windows Phone, follow these:
- Open Hike app
- Go to Settings
- Tap on Preferences
- Turn off Status updates notification from the page
- You are done!
If you have any queries, please let me know in the comments below.