Some  more animated stuffs for  you! In the previous post, I shared how to post animated pictures on Facebook group. I saw people trying out those tricks and mailing me that it works perfectly. You might have seen  some pages sharing animated pictures. By clicking on the animated picture, you will be taken to their page. In this article, you can learn howto share such animated pictures. This trick is somewhat limited that you cannot upload your own animated picture or GIF but you can share the picture shared by other page on your page or timeline. You can share with your own name or  page name and link the picture to your own page.

Before getting into this trick you should have seen how other pages share animated pictures. The below is a screenshot where one of the page shared an animated picture. In the below picture, when we click either on animated picture or title, it takes you to the page. Now, we need to know how to share them as our picture and we should make the fans to land on our page by clicking on it.

Animated Picture page

The following tricks may be simple to anyone who learns web. So, let us learn how to share a Facebook page with animated picture. Previously, we also posted a trick to post animated picture as page but it was patched by Facebook soon. If you want to know about the previous trick, you may read here. Also, do you wonder about the pictures uploaded on such pages? Just have a look here. Facebook had a bug that GIFs in Photoshop format was uploaded to Facebook Page tab without affecting the animation effects on the picture.

I would not like to take much of  your time. So, let us learn the trick to share your own page with animated picture.

Step #1: Find a Facebook Page with animated picture posts in it. (For example, you can take

Step #2: Right click on the picture title and click on "Copy link address"

Share Facebook Page with Animated Picture

Step #3: Paste it in the Notepad or anywhere so that you can edit the URL.

Step #4: Replace the page's username with your own page's username.

Share animated picture in Facebook page

Step #5: Now, copy the URL which you have updated and share it in your timeline or page's timeline. After Facebook fetches the icon and your page's name, see that you clear the raw URL which you have pasted the in the box.

Why I see a different picture than the one I took?

The animated pictures are already uploaded by using previously working tricks. Those tricks used pictures that were uploaded to page tabs using applications. If you have installed any application to your page and the same application matches to the one where the animated picture is uploaded, then you need to uninstall the application you have installed on your page or find any other page for the same picture. If picture uploaded to the application doesn't matches to any of the app you have installed on your page, then you can blindly share the URL on your page by replacing the username.

If want an example, you can also have a look at CryptLife Facebook  fan page. We have uploaded an animated picture.

If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask us. Just comment below. We are happy to help you!