Online store as a business that requires minimal capital investment at the starting often begins as a side-job. Small volume of sales, lack of personnel, etc. ”“ all these things allow controlling an online store, in fact, manually. This awesome tool discussed here allows you to manage an inventory - lets a quick way to update product quantity.

Along with business growth the time you spend on it increases in geometric progression. Of course, it is possible to engage more staff, but then you will have to share the profit with these people. And, as you know, there”™s never too much profit. Not to mention the fact that it is very hard to find people who you can trust enough to hand in your company fate.

quick way to update product quantity

There are several life hacks, which will allow you to automate many processes. They will help you not only save on wages of extra employees, but also be sure that everything works like a clock.

There”™s no doubt that one of the most important steps is to make quantity information updating automatic. Neither high quality nor low price will save customer confidence, if you have failed. (For example, if you not putting ordered quantities in time). The absence of strict reserve of the goods and the uncertainty in the execution of the order irritate - your customers will flee to competitors that are more agile. They really do this as soon as possible.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in automatic refreshing of the information. Your online store just needs to learn to subtract from a predetermined number of available goods some of them, which have been already ordered on a web site. However, in standard delivery Magento is not able to do this.

Among Magento inventory management software you can have a look at Amasty module. This faithful "robot" will never arrange rebellious of machines: by “autopilot”, which is constantly active, it also offers a new level of manual interaction with the system.

All information about quantity of goods stored in excel-compatible CSV file. There supported just as export to a file for accountability, so import from a file for bulk file updating. For example, after the next goods receipt you do not have to change the number for each of the received goods manually: make a simple excel file with indication of numbers and quantities and”¦ voila!

The supplement is written in full compliance with the architecture of Magento code. It is open source, so its implementation will not be difficult not only for experienced it-specialists, but also for those, who are more or less familiar with inventory management**.**

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