Facebook is more active on learning how to increase the number of users on their site. Facebook, being the largest social networking site introduced Timeline a few months ago. Most of the people on Facebook felt uneasy while viewing on a person's timeline. People went crazy that they created 'hate' pages for Timeline. Those pages too got large number of likes. Facebook is now working on this seriously to get good results. The all new Facebook one column timeline may or may not be live for all Facebook users. Facebook has not announced any news about making it live for public.

The current Facebook timeline, though looks beautiful it contains some issues regarding ease of readability for the users. As the current Facebook Timeline is two columned structure, the timeline shows all the posts side by side. One at the right and one goes left. This doesn't makes a Facebook user to read the posts easily. Earlier, when Facebook contained "Wall", there occurred no issues. However, a "wall" didn't allowed the user to view past posts more easily.

Now, in a single/ one columned Timeline view, Facebook has made all the posts to be shown in the left side of the timeline. Other activities like, Recent Activity log, Friends, Photos and app activities will stay on right hand side of the new timeline as seen on current timeline. Facebook has changed the size of the post container on the timeline. The activity container on the right side is found little bit smaller and the post container on the left side looks larger than the previous timeline view. The new single/ one column layout of timeline didn't contain any posts below the activity area. This has really given a good readability for the users.

The following screenshot shows how the one column timeline appears.

Facebook One Column Timeline

The one column timeline layout contained the history of dates on the same right top. Facebook is currently testing the one column timeline with small percentage of Facebook users. Facebook has not yet revealed anything about the release date. So, it is considered that Facebook may or may not make the one column Facebook timeline to go public. Timeline update for Facebook page is still not confirmed yet. Facebook test the one column timeline only with profiles and not with pages.

Do you think that this update will bring back users who left Facebook for hating timeline? Or, do you think that this layout is much easier and attractive? Share with us in comments.