Today, June 23rd 2012 is the 100th birthday of Alan Turing who is a multi talented person. He is an expertise in mathematics and computers. Basically, he is a logic lover and crypt analyst. Google, on praising him has made a Google Doodle which is somewhat difficult to understand. It is more easier to solve the doodle but we have to observe its working before solving it. It gives you five numbers where you have to bring that number using the doodle machine. A great and first doodle machine by Google which can solve mathematicalĀ logic.

How the doodle works?

The doodle shows a binary code to be solved at the top right of the corner. The rolling paper will contain a wrong code or some digits missing in it. The below is the process box where the doodle process to get the answers. The doodle will move the slider according to the arrow displayed in the process box. The process box contains circled blocks where you can see the function that will occur when you press the 'play' button. Google doodle will have some numbers between the arrows where the doodle will insert those number when it process that block. The doodle will process a block at a time in the direction left to right.

When you go further, the process will do a looping job where many blocks are connected each other. You have to follow the logic according to the function given in the circled block and the number. When the number you made with the logic matches with the number at the top right corner of the doodle, then a letter of a Google doodle will get its color.

The doodle has around 12 levels and the difficulty of the level increases when you solve one by one. This makes a Google user to brainstorm. A good logistic and a very nice doodle.

I tried this and I would like to share answers for the first level.

You can't assure that you'll get a number with same function but if you know the working, you may sole the doodle in a minute. Understanding the doodle takes some time. Understand the logic and solve them. The below picture shows the working answers of the first level which I got. you may get a similar one or a different one to solve it.

Well, the first level is much easier one than you compare with other levels. See the last sum in the above image, that is 10000. The third process box contain that icon which can change the direction of the process. The button has three options. One is to insert a TRUE value, second is to insert a FALSE value and third is to insert a NULL value.When it is set to TRUE, that is 1, it inserts the digit 1 above and transfers the process at the process box which is located below as it is connected each other.

The second sum, 00011 has a anti clockwise direction circle which can change the connections. The other button which contain only the binary digit can be used to set a value to be inserted.

Further levels will be more complicated where Google adds more logic in the process box. Think and solve them!

The below video also shows you the level 1 concept of Alan Turing's Google Doodle. Let's celebrate as a geek!

[youtube GulnqgnDgXE]