When you are using smartphones or computers, then one thing is for sure that one day or the other you will come across a data loss situation. This is the reason the experts always advise users to have proper backup, so that when the devices lose the data, you still can hold on to the backup files and retrieve all your lost data. But, there are very few of us who actually follow this golden rule, so at the end of the day we end up losing some of the most important files from our system. This post is about how to recover deleted files on iPhone or iPad.
We used to store important files in our computer, but from the time when the smartphones came into action we have been dependent on these smartphones heavily. Therefore, we store all the important files and folders in our iPhones. One more reason of this is that it is always handy, so we can access the file whenever we are in need of that.
Starting from photos, to music, videos, files and what not, we have a whole lot of treasure hidden in our iPhone. So, when the iPhone suffers data loss due to jailbreak or system failure, then we all lose out on all those important data. But, now with Coolmuster Data recovery for iPhone iPad iPod, you can easily recover deleted photos on iPhone.
The Magic Wand
The software works like a magic wand, so no matter what all data is lost, you can retrieve all of them with its help. If you have lost your important SMS or calendars or notes or your favorite music, you will readily get them back with a click or two using this software. You can also restore iPhone contacts as well apart from recovering data like voice memos, call history, Safari and many more like these.
The interesting thing about this software is that while looking for your lost data you won”™t need to connect the device with the computer, instead it will scan the iTunes for the backup files and retrieve the data from there.
In order to make things easier for you all the synced files are stored in different folders. This will make it easy for the users to locate the files that they were looking for. They won”™t have to wander around through the heap of files and folders to figure out the right files.
Moreover, when you get to see the files, things become easier to restore because you know for sure what you are retrieving and in case you want get some more details, then you will have access to file name, company, email as well as the phone number.
The software works really fast and even when you are planning to restore a large number of files, you will be able to do that conveniently. Intuitive guide is also available for you, so that you can complete the procedure successfully and that too like a pro. There is no need to fear about the quality loss because this software will retrieve the lost data just the way it was earlier.