Recently, a mask or a character from a movie V for Vendetta got famous not only because of its appearance but also due to usage of the character by a hacker group Anonymous India. Who are these Anonymous? Why do they use this mask? What do Anonymous do? Anonymous are the group of Hackers who were already posting about truth about India. India suspended their Twitter account as they posted ill about India but it sounds, they posted only about real happenings in India. The team members who became more annoyed after this situation, hacked the Reliance's filter server. On result of this, Reliance Internet users were not able to access Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and other important sites, which people usually visit.

After some time, the issue was fixed but Anonymous tweeted that they were still inside Reliance servers. Unfortunately, Anonymous India saw some sites blocked or censored on the Reliance server. Some of the sites were talking ill about India and some Air Indian Orkut communities, some Facebook Pages and many other sites were blocked on that server. Did you remember the day when United States was about to launch an act called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) ? It was about to launch only after the suggestion of the people. All over the internet, there conducted a protest against SOPA. Big companies like Google, Mozilla and Wikipedia made their sites dark for a day. Especially, Wikipedia which is a leading online Encyclopedia did not gave anymore knowledge to people on that day. Google made their logo to cover with a black strip indicating, they are against SOPA. Mozilla blackened the background of the built-in start page of their Firefox browser.

As Reliance blocked certain websites without any proper law, Anonymous started to protest against Internet Censorship. After some days, that is, on June 9th protests were conducted in more than 16 Indian cities. This was not more effective but still, people were made more awareness about this issue. Internet is a tool to be always open and more connected to people. Blocking of sites will always make citizens to be dumb.

When the protest was conducted, people who join in protest was supposed to wear Anonymous' mask which marked them. They use the mask just for identifying themselves as Anonymous protester. Anonymous wanted to remove a policy which, in India occurs. Citizens of India must be bold and powerful. Government should scare for the people and People should not scare for the Government. They were about to bring some changes to this developing nation.

Well, now in this post, I have promised you to teach how to create anonymous mask. This mask is commonly known as Guy Fawkes Mask. You may order a colored one in eBay but still we always would like to make things more cheaper and quicker.

You will need to print a general layout of the mask from which you may make a mask of Anonymous. The below picture is the general format for the mask and the one which you have to take the print. Take the print just in an A4 sized sheet.

Step-by-Step Guide to create Anonymous Mask:

[unordered_list style="arrow"]

  • The above image should be made as a hard copy.
  • By clicking on the above image, it gets enlarged. [IMPORTANT]
  • Just press Ctrl + P to take a print of the mask especially in an A4 size sheet.
  • Paste the paper in a cardboard or a thick sheet which will be more stronger than a paper.
  • After pasting, cut around outside of the mask and also remove of the eye piece where it is labelled as CUT OUT.
  • Pierce through the two holes on either side and pass an elastic string which is slightly lesser than your head's circumference.
  • Now your Anonymous Mask is ready!


Note: DO NOT re-size the image. It may collapse the size.

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