Social Networks evolved to fulfill the trench of communication among people. Initially, it started using a phone. People chat and communicate through phone. When Internet became popular, people started communicating via Web Pages. Site owners were able to provide only public messages to people. Public Announcements were made using web pages. But Internet facility was availed only by few people in the world. The improvement was not so fast.

When people started buying internet connections, technology improved still more. Communications were made personal so that two people were able to communicate without the knowledge of other person. Emails provided plain text feature at the first but later it developed by inserting pictures and other multimedia items.

Emails provided attaching of files and sending it to others. This feature made the business people and other professional persons a milestone. Vendors like Yahoo provided such features. But the first Email was sent using Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET).

Emails got popular world wide. In this period, number of internet users in the world multiplied. Emails were sent by many people and it was not only used for chatting purposes but also used for business communications. On looking at this, people were excited to know about a service which can send instant messages to people. Usage of posts got reduced. Emails saved papers and was considered to be an eco friendly way of communication.

Instant messengers, which were faster and easier to communicate was introduced in the year 1980. This provided the people to communicate even more faster than Email services. People were able to to text each other which gave them a feeling like talking each other.

Social Networks, which gave a boon for people who want to share stuffs with their friends arrived. SixDegrees which was a first social networking website was introduced in the year 1997. It enabled to create profiles and list their friends in their site.

Later, Sharing of Statuses, photos and other stuffs were made possible. Chat feature was enabled in the social network to enhance the chat with your friends in your list. Schools and Colleges were easily able to create a circle among them to share stuffs. Business and professional peoples shared their products in the social network. It enabled the people to do eCommerce. Growth of Social Network was fast. After SixDegrees, other vendors like Google, MySpace, Facebook started providing their services. Initially, Orkut and MySpace became competitors. As orkut was from Google, most of the people started signing up to orkut. It provided Public Messaging services, Private Messaging, Chat features etc. in their website. Not only that orkut was started in the year 2002 and MySpace was started in the year 2003. After the introduction of MySpace people found hard to move their profiles. the thing is that, if they move to other social networking sites, their friends should also be moving on. There will be no use if a single person moves to other social network in a circle.

Facebook, which was introduced in 2004 got popular due to its simplicity of site, but powerful and better social networking sites. The introduction of "Like" button made the people to feel the site environment different. Commenting feature made the user to troll people and also it was used to communicate with people.

What do you think about this evolution? Now, peopleĀ  from all age groups uses Facebook and other stuffs. Today, not only Facebook. Twitter, Google+, Digg, Stumble upon and other Social Networking sites are providing different features. Each site provides a unique feature. Twitter provides a feature of 140 character text sharing with followers and Google+ seems to provide feature combining both Twitter and Facebook. LinkedIn features a lot for finding jobs on web easily. Digg and StumbleUpon can share about the links you read or find interesting with your followers.

Now-a-days, Life has got Social oriented. Business and Youngsters, all use Social website as a part in their life. Some people have become addicted to it. This has really improved the human life. People can share stuff of their own need. Emails are still in use but they are used for sending bulk messages and sending files to other people like documents, music and photos.

If you meet a friend who studied with you in childhood days in social network, it will be awesome for everyone. I am sure, this might have happened to you.

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