Facebook 360 degree has become popular than anyone expected. Few days ago, we are able to see people creating memes using 360 degree photo. Thinking of a meme with a 360 degree photo is yet another creative thinking that netizans posses. If you are a regular reader of CryptLife, you might have seen that our frequency to post about Facebook tricks has been reduced. Here I am back with the trick that you might love or in need of. You can convert any image to 360 degree photo on Facebook provided you have some of the prerequisite.

The prerequisite to convert any image to 360 degree photo on Facebook are,

  1. Photoshop
  2. A decent configured laptop or PC - this is because, you will deal with a high-resolution photo on Photoshop

Let us jump into the tutorial to convert any image to 360 degree photo on Facebook:

Step #1: Open Photoshop.

Step #2: Go to File > New.

Step #3: Specify width as 6000 pixels and height as 3000 pixels. Click OK.

Step #4: Using the text tool, write a text or copy and paste an image you want to convert to 360 degree.

Step #5: Now download the XMP file from the link provided below and extract it.

Step #6: Go to File > File Info.

Step #7: Click on the Import button and choose "Keep original metadata, but append matching properties from the template". Click OK and select the XMP file that you have downloaded.

Convert Any Image to 360 degree photo on Facebook

Step #8: Now save the file in JPG format.

Step #9: Log in to Facebook and upload the JPG file that you created in Step #8.

Step #10: You are done.

Facebook will have the middle part of the image when the user's news feed is loaded. So if you are going to create a story in memes, you need to insert image from the center of the 6000 x 3000 pixels image.

If you have any queries or help, please comment them below. You are now ready to post 360 degree memes on Facebook without any hassle.

Download XMP file from here.