Facebook, the largest social networking website has really improved it's security compared to older days. Some of the things on Facebook should always be taken care. You must always protect your Facebook account from being hacked or stolen. You might read a few tips to keep your account more safe and secure. Well, I have already posted about keeping your account secure but I haven't written anything about things that can be stolen from a hacked Facebook account if once stolen.  You must really understand a difference between a hacker and a cracker.

A hacker is a person who identifies the security holes in any computer or internet stuff and tries to fix it whereas a cracker will always damages a property on internet or computer, whatever it may be, an hardware or a software. Crackers give a bad name to hackers.

Hacker Facebook Account Stolen

It's really something that you should know what a hacker can get details from your account once your account gets hacked. Before going to the point, please make sure that your account is safe by satisfying the following statements.

  • Never add people you do not know.
  • Do not get tagged in a photo in which you are not in.
  • Don't add a simple security question or password.

If you comply with the above tips, you are secure with your account. Follow some tips and cautions that might keep your account safe.

Now, the question is, what happens when your account gets hacked or stolen by someone.

Access of Private Message:

The first thing is, the personal messages. The thief can get some information about you regarding details about your account, for instance you might have shared some email address or passwords or some confidential details in private message with any of your friends. This can also go till personal attacking, if the person who stole your account is your enemy.

Hack Facebook Pages:

If you are the administrator of any of the pages on Facebook, then a hacker can easily steal your page. No matter, about the number of likes on that page. All your hard work to get more likes to your page would be stolen in just few seconds. There are many people who have lost their page and they don't get any proper action from Facebook.

Mobile Email address:

The mobile Email address is given for both to your pages you handle and your profile. To post status updates and post photos on your profile and pages, Facebook has given some easy way to post such photos and status updates from mobile easily. This can be a perfect advantage to a person who steals your account. Even if you recover your account, your mobile Email address will remain same. So, it is a must to secure your account. Usually a mobile Email address will be like the following: ceasre790@m.facebook.com

Archive Download:

Though the Facebook will prepare an archive and send all your photos, videos, posts and messages to your primary Email address. When a hacker gets accessed to your Facebook account, he can add his own Email address to your Facebook account, make it as a primary and can request Facebook to prepare an archive of your profile and send it to his Email address. This can be the easy way to access your complete profile in an offline mode even if you have recovered your account.

Mobile Numbers and Email Address:

You might have activated Facebook Text and might have let your phone number privacy on your profile to Only me but a phone number is really a personal communication stuff. Most of the people will try to have a secret privacy on this. Your Email address associated with your Facebook account can also be personal, so please care on it.


You might be the administrator of any of the active group or even your school or college group. He won't get any advantage from this really, but what if your administrator privileges is stolen. So, you must also be more careful on this.

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