Are you interested in selling products online? Are the one who don't have knowledge about web development languages but still want to create a website and lead a life? With WordPress and other modern tools that are already available on the internet, it is almost possible to create a website that works exactly the same way as Flipkart works. With Zero coding knowledge and a little investment on tools, you can build your own e-commerce company that sells products that you want.

Utilize Available e-commerce Platforms

flipkart without coding knowledge

Here are the tools required to build a e-commerce website. The given below are e-commerce platforms with which you can keep building.

  1. WooCommerce
  2. KartRocket
  3. OpenCart
  4. Magento

...and more.

Let me deal with one of the above to help setting up your own e-commerce store. WooCommerce by WooThemes is one of the best e-commerce platform that works with WordPress.

Buy a Host

WordPress is an open source CMS (Content Management System) popularly used in most of the blogs around the world.

To build an ecommerce store with WooCommerce, you should have WordPress installed on your host. Host? What is it? Well, a host is the server where you will have all the web pages and related files for your website. A web server will receive the request from the user and responds to the request.

You can buy a host from popular providers like HostGator, BlueHost and more.

If you are buying from HostGator, I would like to share a coupon code that gets you 25% discount on your purchase.

Coupon Code: CRYPTOFF25

After buying a host, all you need to do is to install WordPress.

Install WordPress and WooCommerce

cPanel will be given after the purchase where you have to login and install WordPress.

Once you have your host installed with WordPress, login to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins and add a plugin, "WooCommerce."

As simple as boiling a water, you can install the plugin and voila! your e-commerce site is finished.

Beatify your store

Worried about the look and feel of the site? WordPress provides an interface to search and install themes within the dashboard. If you are more concerned about the look and feel, you can even purchase a premium theme that has a decent look and feel.


After adding all the products, all you need to do is, show up your product on the homepage.

Go to Pages, click on Add New.

Provide a name to your page. This will act as your homepage of your e-commerce website.

In the right side, you will find a Template drop down box in which you need to choose "Shop."

Now, go to Settings > Reading, choose Front Page displays as "A static page"

Select Shop as your Front page.

That's all, you are done!


This is the basic flow to create an e-commerce store without coding knowledge. We have not covered this article more technically. We would like to provide you the basic flow on how to build and setup your own Flipkart without coding knowledge.