Many people out there have a goal to become famous on Facebook. It can even be the momentary fame, they just want to be in the limelight for once. As we know it, Facebook is a huge social networking site, which makes it quite easy for you to get to know many people and become famous if you follow the right steps.Becoming famous not only mean that you need to make more friends and followers but you may also need people to recognize you with the help of Facebook.

Become famous on Facebook

Here are then such steps that you can adhere to:

1. Groom your profile

Your profile will create the first impression on the mind of your fan or you”™re a prospective follower. This would need you to spend a lot of time in completing the information and add relevant pictures that seem exciting for the viewers.

2. Interact

The primary thing for becoming famous is to know how to create a fan page. This would need you to work on your communication skills when it comes to unknown and random people. You can participate in different conversations online by sticking to the topic of discussion and add valuable information to it. Sense of humour is really a blessing most of the times, but when you add value to the thread of conversation, you are appreciated even more.

3. Join Popular Groups

Whenever you get to see that your profile is becoming famous and you are gaining a certain momentum, take out time to research about groups in Facebook, of your interest and join them. The key point here is to have knowledge about the conversations in the pages since you need to participate in them sincerely rather than just being a mute audience.

4. Make new Friends

Once you feel that your account is good to go, start searching for new friends. Be careful not to get to this step to early since you might be tagged as a spammer.

5. Interact more

If you do not socialize on a regular basis with your friends on Facebook you would soon find your popularity fading away, also, making new ones would be a tougher call.

6. Campaign planning

As you reach a level of popularity where you find over thousand friends or followers in your profile, you have to start thinking about taking things to the next level. You have to now sit down and plan what kind of posts would attract huge attention, in spite of being legal, that is.

7. Put the Plan in Action

No matter what decision you have taken about your next post, be it a silly video, a manifesto or an image, get it done without wasting much time. Make sure that the posts are on Facebook during afternoon as that is the peak time when most users are online.

8. Keep a track

After the posts are uploaded, you need to follow through them. Never give up.

9. Do not be overconfident

While you gain the popularity, it is most important to maintain a balance and not scare off your followers with remarks that would sound overconfident to them.

10. Share great content

Sharing content that is a perfect balance of meaningful things as well as fun stuff is loved by one and all. Do that. Stay in top of everything that is seemingly going to become a viral. Become a part of the insinuators that make it go viral.

Author bio: Kio Markova believes that to make a business reputation, one needs to be outgoing and receptive to become at new places. He speaks on various entrepreneurial meets and is an inspirational trainer. He loves to make infographics as a passion.