It's been long time since I wrote a post on this blog. I guess this post will make you more easier in suggesting friends on Facebook. We could see many newbies on Facebook but how do they connect to the people whom they know? They may invite Friends using Email or accessing phone book if they are on mobile. The “suggest” feature by Facebook is a great tool that helps your friend who is new on Facebook to connect with people. There are two types of people on Facebook. One kind will concern more about privacy whereas the other kind aims to get more subscribers and friends. This post might be useful when you want to get more subscribers and friends. Increase Friends and subscribers n Facebook and go popular.
Usually, we used to invite friends by selecting friends one by one in “suggest” dialog box. When you have an account with more than 1,000 friends, it becomes more difficult to suggest people. May be, the easier way is by searching random number of people whom he/ she knows. But here, our aim is to suggest all friends in our account to your friend.
To perform this trick, you need to install the following.
- Mozilla Firefox
After installing Mozilla Firefox, you need to run a script. To run them, you need to install Greasemonkey Add on for Firefox. If required, you need to restart your browser after the installation of the Add on. Download Greasemonkey from here.
You may install the Auto Suggest script from here (Link removed as the website seems to be down and no longer available).
After installing the script, go to the timeline whom you want to suggest friends and hover your mouse on Friends button. Hit on Suggest Friends.
Click on Suggest Friends. When the suggest dialog loads, just scroll all your friends. When all your friends are displayed, just click on Auto Suggest button which will be available at the top of the Suggest dialog. In a single click, suggest all your friends to your friend.
Suggestions will be sent to all your friends and if they like, they can send him/ her a friend request.
How this can help in increasing Friends or Subscribers?
When suggestions are sent to all your friends, some of your friends may send a request whereas, some will ask you who the person is. You may just say the reason. Usually people may aim to create a page or a mass profile by increasing friends and subscribers.
If you are aiming to increase subscribers to a profile, then see that you are enabling the subscribers in that account.
How this trick can help creating a mass page?
When you have more friends and subscribers in a profile, you can migrate that profile to a business page. This trick can be more useful in creating a business page with more likes because, usually business people don't want to start as a dummy one. To show that they have some customers or fans, they need to show some mass in Facebook too. Thus,they can create a profile with maximum number of friends and migrate it to a business page.
If you have any queries regarding this trick, you may comment below.