Photography is becoming a hobby and even passion now-a-days in young minds. People are likely to carry cameras wherever they go and snap whatever they like. With this article, I like to share some points to be considered before buying a camera. You will be choosing a better camera if you follow these 7 top tips before buying a camera. Usually, before buying a commodity, we have to consider on certain things to make the thing worthy. Similar way, when you go to buy a camera, you may be having these FAQs which should be really solved and you should make your mind set to get a good and best camera.

#1 What”™s your Need for a camera?

This is the first thing to be considered before buying a camera. If u want be make photos by ease and save your memories, your need would be a point & shoot camera (amateur camera). If you are person likely to learn photography and interested with it, you could go for a DSLR (professional camera). If you are beginner and still you likely to control your image then your option would be bridge cameras (cameras with manual mode).

#2 What”™s your Budget?

Not only your need for a camera be sufficient enough but also your budget. Now-a-days, point & shoot cameras are available in the market from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 40,000. Whereas a DSLR will be very expensive it ranges from nearly Rs.27, 000 to Rs. 5, 25,000. Intermediate will be bridge cameras which cost from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000.

#3 DSLR vs. Point & Shoot

DSLR are lens inter changeable, that is you have an option to change the lenses according to the situation. DSLR's have a lot of facilities but the thing is that you need to have a in-depth knowledge to handle them. DSLR's are quite larger in size and weights heavier. Point and shoot cameras are easy to handle with many user friendly facilities and they are smaller in size, light in weight and easy to carry can be kept in pockets. There are also models which may be heavier resembling DSLR's which comes with high octane zoom. Compact cameras with manual mode(bridge camera) will be a good deal for you if you want to enjoy DSLR's facilities over a smaller camera.

#4 Does Mega Pixel matters?

Not always. Mega pixel actually determines the size of the picture and not its quality. Nowadays all digital cameras are above 8 MP and can offer a good picture but only size differ. It”™s actually the size of the sensors which determine the quality, that's the reason why DSLR cameras are big. So you don”™t need to concentrate much on Mega Pixel.

#5 Consider ISO

ISO refers to light sensitivity of the camera, more the sensitivity more you can move into the dark. Normally cameras would have an ISO range from 100 to 3200 or 6400. There are several models available in the markets which even offer ISO range up to 12800, which could be an ideal option in low light or dark conditions.

#6 Prefer Optical ZOOM

There will be two terminologies confusing while coming into zoom. There will be "optical Zoom" and "digital zoom" , optical zoom is the real zoom what your lens offers to go closer to the object. Whereas digital zoom enlarges the object instead of going closer. Optical zoom can produce better results as it goes closer to the object whereas, digital zooms enlarges the object resulting to pix elate.

#7 Other Features

There are many varieties of scene modes; different cameras can offer their own set of varieties. There are fun options like selective color, toy camera, miniature effect which may add value to your photos. Choose these features too, such that you get satisfied with everything in the camera.

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