Mobile messaging is the most easiest and quicker way to send and receive messages from people. No matter, where they are. Usually, in earlier days, when we used the mobile phone to text with friends, we may put message packs for sending more messages. But there was no other go as the earlier model mobiles contained only Text features. This world of new generation gave a way of experiencing the world wide web in a mobile. Just using the data connection, it is now possible to send free messages to your friends, colleagues, relatives and staffs.

I would like to rank certain applications that can work on your mobile for sending free messages. Using this, you won't be charging for SMS but data usage applies as the message is transferred through the internet connection. This feature is more easier. Any people can connect to anyone who uses a different mobile. the thing is, he just need a mobile with an internet connection and software/hardware configuration to support those software which provide free messaging services.


The first and popular most application that can run on Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone and Nokia mobiles. i think this is the most widely used application for free messaging as it is more reliable and faster. It lets you know about the status of your message like, sent or read. WhatsApp allows the user to communicate with more people at a moment, that means, group chat is possible. Are you in offline mode or in the place where you don't get signal for internet? Well, it's not bad. WhatsApp will hold the message and whenever you reach a place where you get a proper internet connection, you will be letting to know about the messages. WhatsApp can be used to send Audio, Video or a picture for free. The great feature in the WhatsApp is, you may insert emoji in the chat messages. This is much awesome. Usually, we see emoji facility to be available only in an iPhone or an Adnroid mobiles but I use a Nokia series 40 mobile, and feel great that my mobile supports these kind of applications where I can send free messages to my friends. This application also lets you to have a custom status so that your friend will be knowing what's in your mind. This cool app will also let the user to change the background image for the chat conversation. This becomes much cool while chatting than a normal text messaging.

eBuddy XMS:

eBuddy is a well known application for mobile instant messenger. Most of the users always use them for chatting with their Gmail contacts, Facebook friends, MSN contacts etc. but this time, it has also got an application for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone 7 and Nokia mobiles. Like WhatsApp, eBuddy XMS too uses data to send and receive messages from your friends. This application can show you the messages wherever you are. Whenever you receive a message on XMS, it just pops out with a notification sound. Same as WhatsApp, eBuddy XMS too provides feature for sending pictures, videos and sounds for free. A casual conversation screen can make you feel more comfortable while chatting. A popular application which process more than 17 billion messages a month. This seems cool, right? Hurry up! The additional feature which you may not see in other mobile messaging app is, here you may connect your Facebook account to you application and search for friends on XMS. The messages are sent and received more instant than ever.


Skebby tells that we can send messages for free by downloading their free app. This app allows you to send a group SMS. This makes more easier in the case, if you want to send some important notifications to your students, employees, friends or relatives. This application sounds good in India as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has already limited to 200 SMS per day. Skebby also lets you to send texts to group of people using the web browser. More than 7,300 customers are trusted and getting benefited by this service. This is gives a helping hand to SMS marketers and SMS advertisers.

Free2SMS India:

A well engineered Indian programmer has developed this application which can be used to send absolutely free messages. This app works is made only for India. The sites like Way2SMS, Fullonsms and Site2SMS has been integrated in this mobile app. This features a lot. Most of the people now have an account in any one of these sites. These sites lets the users to send unlimited free text messages to any mobile in India. Free2SMS has also promised that they would integrate other platforms also, for sending free text messages. The application is exclusively designed for Android and seems to be rated high than the other applications.

If you know any other mobile application that can let you allow free texting, then you may comment here.